I’m mostly healthy but you can be the judge :)

Gender: Female
Age: 13 (14 next month)
Height: 5′3 (Not growing anymore)
Weight: 100 pounds


If I don9t eat this i’m cranky haha

Either a omelet

This is what I mainly have, it’s quick to make and yummy!


I think of myself as the queen of pancakes

Or avocado toast!

I find this yummy to eat, but I only rarely eat it because my mom doesn’t buy avocados that much.


I mostly skip lunch just because i’m not that hungry around that time (See snacks) but when I eat lunch i’ll eat either….


It’s just quick when you have online class :)

either that or something my dad picks up from the store


I always eat dinner so I have my strength


It varys from butter noodles to lasagna or


It depends what we make. Maybe sushi or fried rice!


I barely have desert unless my mom get us…

Ice cream!

I am a big fan of this creamy desert <3


I have 3 snacks a day. In the morning at 10:00 am, another at 2:00 pm, and the last one at 7:00 pm.

Fruit snacks

I eat these when my mom gets them, 2 a day

Bread with stuff in it.

Could be chocolate chips or blueberrys, it’s a wonderful treat!


Only if we have them…

Dried cranberrys

They are weird yes, but I like them. I like the flavored ones better though.

Am I healthy or not. I’m pretty healthy in my opinion. Tell me in the comments if you want. Thanks for reading :D

- Thanks for Scrolling

Picture Source Wikipedia